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Course Curriculum

KEM - Kino Eyes Master is a four semester master degree awarding 120 ECTS. Each semester has 30 ECTS.


KEM's academic structure follows the workflow of an actual film production and is aligned with the needs of todays' professionals and organizations scattered along the film production and distribution value chain in both practical and theoretical matter.

KEM' students must already have with prior knowledge in the area and applicants will be selected in accordance with areas of interest, a fact that will later determine their mobility. 

These students will benefit both from geographical mobility by having the opportunity to circulate between the three countries involved in the program, but also curricular mobility since the program is designed in order to allow students to have contact throughout the course with the different fields of expertise covered in the pentagonal educational model that presides to KEM's structure.

KEM core teaching modules run for an entire semester and have the following structure: