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Research and development for final project production


Kino Eyes final thesis/dissertation consists of three elements:

  • One individual report that can either be a research or a technical Report;
  • One collective project called “Feature film Package” that includes the development of a complete production package for a feature film proposal;
  • One collective project – “The short Film” – consisting of a finished fiction short film + production package per specialisation.

All these three elements are developed throughout the second year of the program in different subject and then finally publically presented and discussed at the end of the year.

The research and Development subject specifically deals with the development by the students of the report component of their thesis (either research or technical) and the Feature Film package, while in the “Advance Short fiction development and production – creative voicing” they will work on their final shorts and complete all pre-production and production of the Shorts.

Half of the syllabus concerns the individual development of thesis work done by students in mentoring sessions. During live sessions to be run during the semester, students will present their proposals. In the case of the report, the first session will be held in the first week of October and the students will present the thesis statement (respecting the template in use). Then in the week of the 11th of December students will present a first draft of their report.

The second half of the syllabus concerns the development of the feature film package. The same mentoring approach will once again be followed with one mentor being assigned to each project and one mentor supervising the overall development of the package.


The main learning objective of this curricular unit is to support students in developing two of the core elements in their dissertation work: the report and the feature film package. To the extent that a substantial portion of this works involve the actual completion of several production elements and a work of critical reflection upon those, it is expected that other learning goals will be the expansion and consolidation of the students research oriented skills but also their ability to understand the entire process of project development, namely on what concerns feature film, and the activities involved in developing and producing a new project.