Advance Short Fiction Development and Production
Kino Eyes final thesis/dissertation consists of three elements:
All these three elements are developed throughout the second year of the program in different subject and then finally publically presented and discussed at the end of the year.
The Advance Short fiction Development and Production subject specifically deals with the development by the students of the short fiction film. In the Research and development for final project production students will develop both the Report and the Feature Film package.
The syllabus is based on a tutoring approach whereby students have weekly meetings by specialization with the mentor for that area and present progress reports and discuss materials and also weekly meetings per project with the mentor for that project in order to discuss their projects status.
The main learning objective of this course unit is to support students in developing their final short-fiction film. Objectives include the completion of the script; production package with final budget and distribution strategy and all other elements per specialization as defined in the requisites for green-light. Main deliver is the short in itself plus the package with required elements per spesialisation.