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Indie Lisboa

IndieLisboa is an international independent film festival, is a platform created with the intention of exhibiting works that fill the void of film circulation shaped by the mainstream production (regular national commercial releases that dominate the market). For the last thirteen years, IndieLisboa has been a stable initiative capable of attracting public and film professionals from all over the globe.

IndieLisboa International Independent Film Festival offers the public an unique opportunity: to be able to see Portuguese and foreign films of all genres (fiction, documentary, animation, experimental films, including feature and shorts), which could not be seen otherwise, since the festival’s programme is mostly comprised by works that do not reach the so-called commercial distribution channels. In addition to stimulating the national offer of film programming, IndieLisboa also puts a great effort in creating a bond between guests (filmmakers, programmers, distributors, critics and other professionals) and spectators, providing various professional enriching environments through its parallel activities : debates, seminars, talks, meetings, parties and concerts. IndieLisboa’s main objectives are to encourage authorial creation, boost the circulation of the films and authors – nationally and internationally – and to promote Portuguese cinema in the world. IndieLisboa aims to bring contemporary cinema closer to the greatest number of people.